Frustrations of Getting Support

It was a mission to get support
Your call is important to us however we are experiencing heavy demands…

Recently I had to update our address details, so we got mail to the correct place.
As I type this post, I’m still in a queue waiting on a call centre to answer.
One site I gave up after one hour.
I have requested call backs – well for one site that was two days ago.

With the technology we have today it appears to take longer to make a simple support call, where I feel we have gone backwards.

After all that waiting with one firm they had the correct address on file but somehow hooked an old address.
The real explanation would be that different departments hold different addresses, which would suggest they have software that needs to talk to each other.

I have to battle with another bank who have our correct Postal Address and Street address except the mail goes to the wrong place.
It’s lucky we are in a rural area where the person who sorts the mail knows who we are and redirects the mail to the correct address.

Oh yes I forgot..computers are there to reduce our stress levels – sounds like a Tui Advt

Thank goodness NZServers we have a simple method where you can get hold of us – it’s called a phone with no fancy voice controls.