CloudLinux and CPANEL

Powers 20 million websites!

The super-platform for stability & efficiency in shared hosting

Our server is optimised for speed and security

In 2017 we changed servers with several goals in mind

  • Support multiple PHP versions
  • Protect each individual site from each other
  • Allow generational backups
  • Use SSD technology
  • Speed
  • Emails

The above heading may sound a little daunting from some. For those people who are wanting to know a little more, this section is for you.
If nothing makes sense don’t worry…just know we have your best interests at heart. If you just want to know what hosting plans we have click on the links below.

We are aiming for solution-based systems as opposed to bulk web hosting to the general public.
The company we keep on our server is very important to us.

Older PHP versions pose a security risk on a standard CPANEL server.
To allow older PHP versions we use a CPANEL add on called ‘CloudLinux’
This allows each site on the server to be isolated in a cage.
If an older version of PHP becomes compromised by a PHP Trojan access is confined to only that user, which compromising the rest of the server.
This allows us to offer PHP version from 5.5 to 7.4.
We could offer older versions but that we would have to consider if the need ever arose.

Keep hackers at bay by virtualizing tenants to their own file systems. Safe for your servers, transparent to the user.

CageFS is a virtualized, per-user file system that uniquely encapsulates each customer, preventing users from seeing each other and viewing sensitive information. CageFS prevents a large number of attacks, including most privilege escalation and information disclosure attacks. It is completely transparent to our customers, without any need for them to change their scripts.

Link to more information

The resource to maintain a backup system is huge.
Most page builders are great at keeping revision copies, so the need for a complete restore is rare but does happen.
We generate complete backups every two days, every week and every month.
Should you ever need to go back and restore something you have the ability to do this.

SSD means Solid State Drive instead of the older drives which have moving parts to retrieve data.
Retrieving data is vital to speed and the success of your website.

The ability to use the latest version of PHP means speed.
Coupled with SSD technology and a feature that comes with Cloudlinux called  Litespeed and Opcahce means a better performing website.

This was important to us as many clients want their own domain emails. There is a move with DIY webbuilders to drop any email support. With NZServers we have you covered,

CloudLinux OS is the leading platform for multitenancy. It improves server stability, density, and security by isolating each tenant and giving them allocated server resources. This creates an environment that feels more like a virtual server than a shared hosting account. By doing so, CloudLinux OS manages clients without having noisy neighbours.

CloudLinux OS isolates each customer into a separate “Lightweight Virtualized Environment” (LVE), which partitions, allocates, and limits server resources, like memory, CPU, and connections, for each tenant.
This ensures that tenants cannot jeopardise the stability of the server, causing all sites to slow down or even come to a halt.
CloudLinux OS also “cages” tenants from one another to avoid security breaches.
This way, unstable scripts or malware are not able to sprawl across your customer sites, causing severe harm.

Cloudlinux enables older versions of PHP on the server without jeopardising security.

The server allows for PHP 5.3 to PHP 7.4