The design of your website

We sometimes think of the aesthetic look, but there is a little more to a website than a few well designed graphics.

  • How easy is to find information?
    This will include the navigation links and a search box
  • Does the content make sense?
  • How will the site look on a smartphone, tablet or widescreen desktop?
  • Does the site have links to other people and do other people link back to the site?
  • How easy is it to update the website?
  • Can you measure how the website is doing?

These are just some of the factors relating to web design

The frustration factor


Have you ever seen a link to website promoting a product in a newspaper?
You go to the website only to find there is no information about the product advertised or the information is less that what is advertised.

The design of your website should allow people to find information easily – the last thing you want to do is frustrate people by not having the information.