CENTOS 7 and CloudLinux 7

Support Category(s): Cpanel

Upgrades for the server

With the deprecation of Centos 7 set for 30th of June 2024 we are forced to upgrade the server Operating system and at the same time upgrade MYSQL from 5.7 to 8.0.
MYSQL has been upgraded to version 8 on the 23 of Sep 2023.

We have not set a date for the upgrade of CloudLinux 7 at this point.
Current CPANEL version is 110.0.7.

End of Life for CENTOS 7 and CloudLinux 7

It is a changing world if you are in the IT industry.
If you have created bespoke applications outside of supported products like WordPress, then this may apply to you.
Centos 7 is a free fork of Redhat Linux.
As of the 30th of June 2024, Centos 7 reaches its End of Life (EOL).
This means the product will still work except no more updates for security and bug fixes for the operating system.
CloudLinux 7 is being forced to an EOL status in line with Centos 7

MYSQL 5.7 to 8

MYSQL has been upgraded from 5.7 to 8.
This was carried out on the 23rd Sep 2023.
No issues were encountered.

Bespoke Applications

If you have developed your own PHP code and your own MYSQL interface we just hope that you have used acceptable practices.
If errors are picked up and if time permits we will contact you to resolve the issue.
Our main focus has to be upgrading the MYSQL then forging ahead with upgrading Linux.

Fastpage CMS

We ceased development of the product on the 1st of December 2013.
This product is forced to run under PHP 5.3.
As the product is no longer supported any applications that happen to be using this and fail the MYSQL checker we will have no option to fail archive these applications and use a placeholder image.
As we have notified people of the EOL of Fastpage many times any of our time to resolve issues with Fastpage may incur a charge.


Linux/ClouldLinux Upgrade Version

We have to look for a Linux version that has a commitment date of several years in regard EOL.
Ubuntu® 20.04 LTS — EOL is April 30, 2025.
AlmaLinux OS 8 and Cloudlinux 8 have EOL dates of the 31st of May 2029.
At this point we are looking at AlmaLinux 8 and CloudLinux  8 being Stable versions.
AlmaLinux is a complete binary fork of REHL, so in theory compatible with Centos 7